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What Our Clients Say

Ron Emmons, World's Greatest Horseman and Champion Magnificent 7

Ron Emmons, World

Avila's Pro Shop always has the best quality products at the fairest prices and the service has been great.

Kim and Deb Witty, High Country Training, Ellensburg, WA

Kim and Deb Witty, High Country Training, Ellensburg, WA

We have shopped Avila's pro Shop for many years. We like the fact that Joel and Lynn personally make a lot of the products {Cowhorse Equipment} offered. Their products are great quality and always fit our horses. It takes horse people to make horse training equipment.

Pat St-Onge, Gainesville, Texas

Pat St-Onge, Gainesville, Texas

Avila Pro Shop offers the highest standard in tack and equipment. I use and highly recommend all of their products.